Wednesday, January 4, 2012

PlayBook Log: 2012.4: Screen capture and wallpapers

One thing ive learned very quickly is how to set a wallpaper. With most users on most devices, its one of the first things you learn. Advanced users find out the screensize and finds the right sized pic, or uses an editor, like photoshop, to size it right. Some even find a screen capture app and use that. Well, good news: the BlackBerry PlayBook has a built-in screen capture! To use, press the volume up and volume down buttons on top at the same time. You'll hear a camera shutter. The screen capture is located in the camera folder of the picture app. Go to it, swipe down from the top and select "set as wallpaper"

One thing i noticed about setting the wallpaper is when you do, its a "zoomed in" look. The Playbook's screensize is 1024x600. When i set the wallpaper with one that size, its still zoomed in. Thanks to the die-hard people of (ive been a member for a few years now) ive found out that the wallpaper needs to be square, like 1024x1024 for example. This is to have the wallpaper displayed on both landscape and portrait. Now the site has a wallpaper maker, but if you want to skip going online to do this, ive found a homemade way to do this all with your PlayBook.

First thing is to find a wallpaper you like. You can also take a photo of something and use that. Its best if either one is already in landscape. Open this pic up in the photo app. Once you see it fullscreen, rotate the PB to portrait. Not what you should see is your pic taking up anout the middle third of your screen. Now take a screenshot pressing both volume buttons while still holding the PB in portrait. When you hear the click of the camera, congrats!! Now rotate back and go into the camera folder, select the pic, and set as wallpaper. What you'll see is the full pic as your wallpaper without the 'zoom-in'!. Ive already done this with a few of my own pics with pleasing results!

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